Coronavirus (COVID-19) Telemedicine Update for Our Community

Dear Comprehensive Spine Center Family,

At Comprehensive Spine Center, the safety of our patients, guests, and employees is our top priority every day. We understand the growing concern surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) across our communities.

April 2020 Update

We want patients across Texas to know we are positioned to stay open and all of our clinics are open at the moment.We have a huge advantage with Telemedicine, and our staff is currently working with a fully digital office to continue providing care to our existing, as well as new patients across Texas.

Telemedicine to Reach Patients Across Texas

Telemedicine will be offered to patients for their regular Ortho, spine and pain management consults and follow-ups. Our practice will be using Zoom and will also have translators available. We will still keep our clinics open for patients who would rather come in or if they have a procedure scheduled.  CSC has the leading telemed technology to monitor a treatment plan appropriate for your medical needs. Our providers can set up video and audio communication, easily accessible from your home computer or smart device. From medication delivery to at-home physical therapy including DME available for pickup, CSC can help patients all over Texas with telemedicine.

We understand that our patients may be concerned about coming in for their appointments; however, follow up care will need to continue to ensure you remain healthy. We are regularly monitoring the CDC updates and recommendations. While health, safety standards, and procedures are followed daily, we want to ensure you that we are taking extra precautions during this time.

  • We are taking everyone’s temperature, including staff, patients, and guests.
  • We are having all patients complete a screening questionnaire. If the screen reveals a significant risk of infection or infection exposure, we are rescheduling appointments.
  • We have increased the frequency of cleanings in our clinics on all hand contact surfaces such as door handles, front desk counter, armchair, and more.
  • We have also provided hand sanitizers throughout our clinics for use.
  • We are notifying patients and staff to stay home if they are feeling sick.

Visit the CDC website for more information regarding the Coronavirus:

On behalf of the physicians and staff at Comprehensive Spine Center of Dallas, we are here for you. We are continually monitoring the situation and will make changes to our procedures as more information becomes available. We will pull together as a community and continue to follow strict protocols to protect our patients, our staff, and the public. Please feel free to call the office if you have any questions.Sincerely,The Comprehensive Spine Center of Dallas team.