What is Osteoporosis?

Often referred to as a “silent disease,”—because those who have it often don’t notice it until after they have a problem—Osteoporosis is a disease that afflicts as much as 10 million Americans annually, causing 2 million of them to experience a fracture each year.

In this highly informative post, learn more about what Osteoporosis is and how it’s caused, and find out what you can do to prevent and treat Osteoporosis in Dallas, Texas.

What Causes Osteoporosis?

Before we dive into what causes Osteoporosis, it can be helpful to first straighten out two misconceptions people generally have about their bones.

Misconception #1: Contrary to conventional thought, your bones are not entirely solid objects, but are actually closer to a honey-comb-like hollow tube. On the outside, there is, in fact, a solid structure called “compact bone,” but, on the inside, it’s something more attuned to a hollow tube. One that’s filled with bone tissues, marrow, and minerals (including calcium and collagen) that give life to the bone.

Misconception #2: Many people believe that their bones stay stagnant and unchanging over time, when, in fact, bone is living tissue that’s constantly being replaced. This lifelong process—known as “bone remodeling”—is how your body can repair itself after you experience a ‘broken bone’ or fracture, as well as how it forms new bones as your body grows and changes over time.

How does this relate to Osteoporosis?

Unfortunately, bone remodeling doesn’t occur at a constant rate forever, which can cause your bone density—a proxy for bone strength—to weaken over time. As bones begin to lose calcium—the essential mineral that makes them hard—your bone can begin to deteriorate faster than your body can replace them.

Osteoporosis refers to what happens when the creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the loss of old bone, causing your bones to weaken and thin. And, because weak bones break more easily, Osteoporosis is known to cause painful fractures, as well as infections and other serious complications as a result.

Risk Factors of Osteoporosis

While the exact cause of osteoporosis is unknown, there are a number well-known risk factors. Age, nutrition, lifestyle and genetics, as well as certain medical conditions and medications, can all play a part.


Bone mass usually peaks in a person's mid to late 20s, with bone loss (the process whereby bone breaks down faster than it builds up) beginning in your mid-30’s. By the time you're 45, you're at a much greater risk for developing Osteoporosis, and even more so as you get older.

Body Frame

Small frames make for smaller bones and less bone density, which means a greater chance they’ll break once they're weaker. In fact, one of the reasons women are more likely to develop osteoporosis, and develop it earlier, is that their bones are typically smaller and lighter than men’s, so there is less bone mass to begin with.


A sedentary lifestyle can also put you at risk for developing osteoporosis, as weight bearing exercises, such as running or weight lifting can help maintain your bones’ strength and density. Smoking can also decrease bone density, and heavy alcohol consumption can inhibit bone formation.


Those with a family history of osteoporosis—especially if a parent or sibling have it—have a greater chance of developing the condition, as well. Moreover, Caucasian and Asians tend to develop osteoporosis more often, while African-Americans get it the least.

Medical Conditions

Several medical conditions, including hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome and hyperparathyroidism, increase the risk of osteoporosis. It’s also prevalent in women over the age of 40 who have had their ovaries removed.

When To See A Doctor for Osteoporosis in Dallas

Remember: Osteoporosis is a serious condition that can cause serious effects, including fractures, which can be both painful and take a long time to heal. Fractures can cause other complications, including blood clots, pneumonia, and other infections, that can even be fatal. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to prevent and treat osteoporosis, and an osteoporosis doctor in Dallas TX can help you do it.

That’s why if you’re over the age of 40, and meet any of the aforementioned risk factors, you should strongly consider seeing an osteoporosis specialist in Dallas Texas. You might even consider visiting one if you went through early menopause, if either of your parents had hip fractures, or, even, if you think you’re at risk.

Work With the Best Osteoporosis Doctors in Dallas Today!

Have you been diagnosed with Osteoporosis or think you might have it?

Early intervention is key to stop the progression of Osteoporosis before it causes a fracture or other complications.

Contact the Comprehensive Spine Center of Dallas today to schedule an appointment with one of our Osteoporosis Specialists in Dallas, Texas! Whether you need help preventing bone loss and falls or need professional Osteoporosis treatment in Dallas, we can help. We’ll diagnose your bone health using our state of the art bone density machine, and work with you to develop a comprehensive plan to mitigate your risk for fractures and maintain bone density as you get older.

Should you need pharmaceutical medication or professional intervention to treat your pain or discomfort, we also can prescribe it and perform it in-house. For the best doctors for Osteoporosis in Dallas, choose the experts at the Comprehensive Spine Center of Dallas today!